Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Communication Project #11 - Psychology of Communication

-Modern Technology, Robotics, Robot Soldiers, Predator Drones-
This article is about tapping into drones' video feeds. It is bringing surveillance above head down to soldiers and Marines on the ground. But, there is a problem that is an enormous security breach. At first, the military developed the Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver, or ROVER. Early units were done with an unencrypted signal and it could be both intercepted and jammed. The article supposes that if the aircraft has an encrypted transmitter and the troops have an unencrypted ROVER receiver, that surveillance footage can't be passed down to the soldiers who need it most.

After reading this article I thought that more and more modern technology is used to our lives. It's good that our lives come to develop because of this technology. However, I think that human should not follow robots. Making convenient robots for our lives is good, but we should not follow them. In this article's case, the military has to consider making efficient robots for them, but, not ones that they have trouble controlling and catching the robots.