Sunday, April 18, 2010

Absolutist, Utilitarian, and Golden rule - Photojournalism class

1. a.A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority.
b.A form of government in which all power is vested in a single ruler or other authority.
2.An absolute doctrine, principle, or standard.

1.pertaining to or consisting in utility.
2.having regard to utility or usefulness rather than beauty, ornamentation, etc.
3.of, pertaining to, or adhering to the doctrine of utilitarianism. adherent of utilitarianism.
Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its utility in providing happiness or pleasure as summed among all sentient beings. It is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome. The most influential contributors to this ideology were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.

Golden rule
The Golden Rule is an ethical code that states one has a right to just treatment, and a responsibility to ensure justice for others. It is also called the ethic of reciprocity. It is arguably the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, though it has its critics.[2] A key element of the golden rule is that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people, not just members of his or her in-group, with consideration. The Golden rule appears to have an evolutionary basis, see Reciprocity (evolution).